Art & Music Therapy

Reduce anxiety and the perception of pain, improve communication and coping skills, promote healthy expression and play.


ABCandME exists because our beautiful and whimsically illustrated children’s book and personal song provide a means for children undergoing cancer treatments to stay connected with their family even though they are physically isolated from them. Upon opening our paired book and song, a child and parent are able to hear our beautiful song being sung to them while they advance through the illustrations. Opening this book and playing the song every night provides families with the continuous love and support to overcome the isolation, loneliness and distance created during children’s stays in cancer units.

ABCandME also offers coloring books, posters and a calendar that all provide the child, as well as the families, an extremely uplifting experience and the tools to cope with their illness, trauma, and hospitalization. The book and song combination helps children:

  • Decrease anxiety
  • Decrease perception of pain
  • Increase functional motor skills
  • Improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • Increase opportunities for normalized play
  • Develop positive coping skills
  • Promote expression of feelings and emotions related to illnesses
  • The tools also provide the stimulus for the children’s brain to relearn and regenerate

The books and song can be downloaded on any digital device through our app. We also offer beautifully illustrated Posters, Coloring Books and Calendars.  


ABCandME exists because our beautifully and whimsically illustrated children’s book and personal song provide the means to de-escalate and calm special needs children. Additionally, Art and Music therapy has also been shown to provide the following benefits for Special Need children and adults:

  • Speech and Communication- Music therapy involves singing which is a great way for children to practice vocalizing

  • Motor and Sensory Skills- An important benefit of music therapy is its benefits towards increasing agility of motor and sensory skills. Clapping, beating rhythms and playing with instruments are incredible ways to improve coordination and refine motor control

  • Improved relaxation- respiration rate, anxiety levels and reduced physical pain

  • Behavioral and Emotional- studies have shown a positive increase in their children’s skills and responses after one year of exposure to music therapy

  • Self Confidence Booster- Music therapy builds up a child’s self-esteem and feeds their spirit. Music therapy create success-based activities that address developmental skills

  • Outlet for Expression- Music and Art are a fantastic outlet for a person’s pent up feelings. For Special Needs children who struggle with communication and language, music can be the right release for demonstrating their excitement, anger, worry, sadness or any range of emotions which they might not have properly communicated before

The books and songs can be downloaded on any digital device through our app. We also offer beautifully illustrated Posters, Coloring Books and Calendars. You can purchase them here in our online store.


ABCandME exists because our beautiful and whimsically illustrated children’s book and personal song provide a means for a parent to be with your children, even when you are deployed, traveling or standing duty and are not able to physically be there with them.

Upon opening our paired book/song, a child and parent are able to hear our beautiful song being sung to them while they advance through the illustrations. Opening this book and playing the song every night provides families with the continuous love and support to overcome the loneliness and distance created during extended deployments and duty standing. The books and song can be downloaded on any digital device through our app

Deployed, and in a remote location without connectivity access?  ABCandME provides an extremely uplifting experience and the tools to cope with deployed personnel’s isolation and loneliness.

We also offer beautifully illustrated Posters, Coloring Books and Calendars.  Interested? Check us out at or download directly from the App Store.


Even though First Responder may not be deployed for long periods of time, they are still away from their children almost every 4th night.  Over a career this can equate to over 5 years away from loved ones.  ABCandME through our beautiful and whimsically illustrated children’s book and personal song provide the means for a parent to be with their children, even when you are standing duty and are not able to physically be there with them.

Upon opening our paired book/song, a child and parent are able to hear our beautiful song being sung to them while they advance through the illustrations. Opening this book and playing the song every night provides all families with the continuous love and support to overcome the loneliness and distance created by working as first responders and standing duty.

Standing duty, working as a first responder, and away from your children?   ABCandME provides an extremely uplifting experience and the tools to cope with deployed personnel’s isolation and loneliness.

We also offer beautifully illustrated Posters, Coloring Books and Calendars.  Interested? Check us out at or download directly from the App Store.