Question- How do I know which version of the (eBook/Song) Application I should purchase? 

Answer-There are two Applications (APPs) you can purchase via the abcandme.com website. Both have the same beautiful illustration but there is a Female voice on one and a Male voice on the second one. Look for the words Female Voice or Male Voice and choose the one you like. 

Question- Can I buy a Stand-alone illustrated eBook (Without a song included)? 

Answer- Yes, you can buy the eBook without the song embedded by visiting our website. Should you want to purchase either the Female or Male version of the song to accompany the eBook OR the Physical book, you can also purchase those through our website abcandme.com

Question- If I buy a Stand-alone eBook without the song, can I later buy the song so I can listen to it while reading the book? 

Answer- Yes, should you want to purchase either the Female or Male version of the song to accompany the eBook OR the Physical book, you can purchase those through our website abcandme.com

Question- If I buy a Hard-cover book without the song, can I buy the song so I can listen to it while reading the book? 

Answer- Yes, should you want to purchase either the Female or Male version of the song to accompany the eBook OR the Physical book, you can purchase those through our website abcandme.com Or go onto iTunes and type in “When You And I Are Fast Asleep” and the Female and the Male song will come up. Download the songs as usual in iTunes

Question- Can I buy an eBook/Song, Poster, Coloring Book, Hard-cover Book for another person?
Answer- Yes, just fill in the info of where you want the item(s) to be shipped To on the website abcandme.com

Question- Can I purchase and play the eBook with no song embedded in it on iOS, Kindle, MAC, PC, and Android products
Answer- Yes. The eBook can be down loaded onto any of those product platforms and played using the Kindle Application for each platform-Depending on your platform, download Kindle for MAC, Kindle for iPhone and iPad, Kindle for Android and Kindle for PC

Question- Why can’t I buy the Application with the illustrations and song embedded in it on the Apple APP store?
Answer- Apple does not allow for the inclusion of Illustrated eBook with embedded songs as APPs on its APP store, so we are unable to provide this direct process. 

Question- If I’m in iTunes, when I type in the name of the song exactly as it is When You And I Are Fast Asleep why doesn’t it come up as 1 (Female Version) Number 1 (Male Version)? Instead they come up as number 6 and number 54.

Answer- Apple has a proprietary Search Engine Optimization software that sometimes does not list items in what is thought to be an orderly fashion. In this case it lists the songs further down on the list 6th and 54thth. One way to go directly to the songs is to type in the names of the singers Rachel Neves-for the Female version or The Brave Beach Band-For the Male version of the song. You can also visit our website abcandme.com and click on the icon to buy the songs. This will take you directly to the songs in iTunes. 

Question- Will there be more ABCandME Children’s books and ebooks with additional songs?
Answer- Yes, we are working on another book based on a song that Brad wrote for his other daughter Christie. It will be called Sweet Little Child Of Mine”