ABCandME has created the beautiful and vibrant When You And I Are Fast Asleep book in an eBook digital format. All the whimsical scenes and characters from the physical book are now displayed in their full beauty, but in a digital form.
Should you simply want the eBook as a standalone product it is readily available now and can be downloaded from any of the major streaming portals including this portal, iTunes, Amazon and Google Play. To increase the pleasure of reading this eBook with your children, ABCandME has also developed a standalone song that accompanies this eBook.
Sing along with the beautiful voices as your child moves through the book's pages. The song is available in two versions, the first a Male version sung by Northern California's famous singers Steve Pile and Don de Brauwere of The Brave Beach Band. The second song is a Female version sung by our extremely talented singer Rachel Neves and her piano accompanist Jesse Mattison.